3076 days and 1792 nautical miles travelled!
That's how long a tagged Southern Bluefin Tuna tagged by club member Peter Goode was at liberty for!
'Goody' tagged the Southern Bluefin Tuna, off Port Fairy on 27th April 2015, estimated 12kg weight in his Barcrusher 'Bardup'.

This SBT roamed the oceans for over 8 years (nearly 9!!) and was caught in the Southern Indian Ocean on 23rd September 2023 and weighed 73kg by a commercial vessel.

Huge news, with some exciting distance travelled and serious growth. Pictured is a similar size Tuna that Goody tagged only a couple of days prior. Congratulations mate, this is a seriously amazing recapture and shows the value in gamefish tagging programs and the information they can provide.
Some context.... This tuna grew 61kg, and swum 3318km over 8.4 years! That's mind blowing!!
Check out below for a map showing the distance this Tuna travelled!!
