Competition Times:
5am Saturday December 16th until 5pm Sunday December 17th
Weigh Ins:
8pm Saturday & 5pm Sunday @ Clubrooms (followed by a Club BBQ, drinks & Presentation event).
Event Briefing: Friday 8th December at Clubrooms
All entrants must be current financial members of the Club. If you wish to tag fish you must be a financial GFAV member. Please join before comp on website www.wolgfc.com
Target Species: Southern Bluefin Tuna & Yellowtail Kingfish
Weigh In: Entrants can weigh in one fish of each species, per day of the competition.
*Kingfish minimum 60cm length, Tuna no min length.
*SBT weight must be equal to or higher than the line class captured on to be eligible to weigh in.
Tag & Release: GFAV rules apply.
*SBT minimum length for tagging: 60cm
*Kingfish minimum length for tagging: 70cm
Monthly Club Competition Prizes:
* Heaviest Tuna: Senior, Junior & Small Fry.
* Heaviest Kingfish: Senior, Junior & Small Fry.
* Highest Tag & Release Pointscore: Senior, Junior & Small Fry. (Must be a current GFAV Member)
Let's look after our catch with proper ice & chilling techniques!
All judgement & ruling is at discretion of Competition Committee and is final. All existing club rules apply if not mentioned above.
This month’s competition is proudly sponsored by:
Wilsons & Stu’s Outboards
