As you probably have seen, the club weighing gantry at the Warrnambool Breakwater Boat Ramp has been decommissioned due to its age. It's looking like the replacement for this may take some time before it's in action.
We have teamed up with SURVIVAL FIRST AID and you can save 15% OFF their best selling 12 items. Plus, Survival will donate 15% of the value you spend to the club in cash!
GET YOUR FIRST AID KIT AT THIS LINK: http://qr.survival.net.au/WOLGFC
With the awesome fishing in the local area, we still need scales to weigh large gamefish captures like big tuna and sharks, and you can help the club cover the cost for a weighing scale system that we can utilise now until the new gantry is ready, plus you save money too!!
The new scales are Nuweigh Stainless Steel Weigh Beam Scales and are an expensive bit of kit! By helping contribute to the fundraiser, you are helping us greatly to provide all our members with fantastic facilities that we can all benefit from. Grab yourself a First Aid Kit for the boat, home or caravan! Or all three! 😊
You can also help spread the word with us. Share this link so others can save too!
GET YOUR FIRST AID KIT AT THIS LINK: http://qr.survival.net.au/WOLGFC
